The Turkish farm labourer and the pint-sized man from China were happy to pose at an event in Istanbul to mark the opening of the new Guinness World Records Live! Roadshow.
Kosen said: 'I've wanted to meet Pingping ever since I was awarded the title "tallest man" and I'm really happy that he was willing to travel to Turkey so we could both take part in the launch celebration,
Also the world record holder for the largest hands and feet, Kosen, 27, seized the title of world's tallest man from China's Bao Xishun (pic below) last September, beating his rival by 10cm.

Born and raised in the Mardin province of Turkey, Kosen's height is due to a condition known as pituitary gigantism.He lives with his family in Inner Mongolia, China and has travelled the world since being recognised by Guinness World Records.
Last year, He PingPing met Svetlana Pankratova (pic below), the woman with the world's longest legs - measuring 51.96in long.

After a series of surgeries to remove the tumor which was causing his excess growth, Kosen stopped growing in 2008.At the opposite end, He PingPing, 21, suffers from a condition known as Primordial Dwarfism.According to his father, at birth he was small enough to fit into the palm of his parent's hand. Can you imagine how tiny was that baby?...equivalent to a size of an apple!
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